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     General Members


Mike Wakshull

Q9 Consulting, Inc.

P.O. Box 892965

Temecula, CA 92589

Ph: (951) 252-4929

Toll Free: 800-790-1115

Fax: (951) 302-1785

Cell: (805) 501-3388

Email: mikew@quality9.com

Web: www.quality9.com


Ana Kyle

P.O. Box 4489

Hamden, Ct. 065l4

Ph: (203) 248-0200

Email: anakyle511@gmail.com

District of Columbia

Beverley East
1200 G Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20005
Ph: (202) 434-8767
Cell: (202) 538-1829
Email: handwriting3@aol.com
Web: www.suspectsignatures.com


Warren D. Spencer B.S.

LS Spencer and Associates, Inc.

P.O. Box 3713

St. Charles (near Chicago), IL 60174

Ph:(630) 631-1987

Fax:(630) 513-9277

Email: warren_spencer@yahoo.com

Web: www.illinoisforensic



Debra Dunlap

Liberty Investigative Services

Ottawa, KS 66067 (near Kansas City)

Ph: (785) 229-2722

Email: dunlapfde@gmail.com

Web: www.questioned-documents.com

New York

Joan Winkelman

Amherst, New York (Western NY)

Email: bp995@netzero.net

Web: jwink-handwriting.com

North Carolina

Theresa Dean

P.O. Box 414

Horse Shoe, NC 28742 (Hendersonville)

Ph/Fax: (828) 891-4263

Email: Theresa@HandwritingForensics.com

Web: www.HandwritingForensics.com


David Liebman

Norfolk, VA

Ph: (757) 853-4722

Email: david.liebman2@verizion.net

Web: liebmanhandwritingexpert.com


Venetia Anastasopoulou

2, Matrozou

14575 Stamata Attika



Ph: 0030 210 9359116

Fax: 0030 6977324569

Email: graphologos@hotmail.com

Web: www.graphologos.gr

Web: www.grafologos-grafologia.com


General Members are individuals who are working full time in the field of document examination, but who are not certified by NADE.

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